How to Get Your Child to Enjoy Reading

Jan 13 2022
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What is Service Learning? 4 Benefits in Middle and High School

Dec 13 2021

For parents and caregivers, one of the most important lessons that we can teach our children is about the positive impact that they can have on the lives of others in their community.

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Learning By Doing: How Experiential Learning Can Improve Your Child's Education

Nov 29 2021

As parents and caregivers explore options for their child’s school, they may encounter many new concepts and styles of learning that they will need to consider. Parents will no doubt want to ensure.

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3 Examples of Students Creating Knowledge Through Their Education

Nov 15 2021

Experiential learning, or learning through hands-on experience, has long been acknowledged as a powerful tool in education. Hands-on learning brings about a number of important benefits. From.

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What to Expect in Your Freshman Year of High School

Nov 03 2021

Freshman year of high school is a big change for many students, especially compared to middle school. New facilities, new friends, new classes, new clubs, new opportunities for sports and.

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3 Student Discoveries that Started in the Classroom

Oct 18 2021

At Friends’ Central School, our students are taught to understand that knowledge does not simply exist: It must be generated, and each of us have a part to play in the creation of knowledge. This.

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Empowering Students to Take Charge of Protecting the Planet

Oct 15 2021

At Friends’ Central School, students learn to take care of the earth by becoming active advocates for change and community. From nursery to grade 12, students participate in processes designed to.

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Why Choose a STEAM Education For Your Child

Oct 04 2021

As parents and caregivers embrace a new school year and look for ways to ensure their young learners’ success and happiness, they may begin to explore the type of curriculum they’d like their child.

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Back-to-School Resources to Keep Your Child on Track

Sep 01 2021

Last year was our first experience with returning to school during a pandemic. With COVID-19 still a part of our lives today as we head into August, some families may be wondering how they can.

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Back to School During Covid: Advice for Parents

Sep 01 2021

This fall, some children will be returning to in-person instruction for the first time in over a year. If you have a child in this situation, you may be wondering what you can do to make the.

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